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don't receive benefits

but still struggling with bills?

ECO FLEX is part of the ECO 4 scheme, whereby even households who don't receive benfits of any kind can still receive free grants to pay for Solar Panel installation and Air Source Heat Pump technology, massively reducing the cost of energy for that household.

If you are a homeowner and your household income is less than £31,000 get in touch with us and we'll deal with your local council on your behalf - you could soon be having Solar Panels and an Air Source Heat Pump installed at no cost to yourself! When you click below to check your eligibility, just make sure to select that you do not receive benefits.

In line with other energy efficiency policies a household income cap of £31,000 is used as the initial method of identifying households who would benefit from free ECO Flex Grants.

Whilst the same amount is used regardless of property size or region; in many cases a household income of £31,000 includes many households who are just above the benefits threshold.

If you are just over this single income cap, there are three other routes which could include yourself, so please do fill out the form at the bottom of this page, give us a call or check your eligibility using the button above.

get in touch

If you have any questions or enquiries regarding our services, please feel free to get in contact with us using the details below.

If you have any questions we would be happy for you to visit our store. We are open Monday to Friday and our friendly staff are always happy to help.